- attendant
- attendee
- attending
- attent
- attention
- attention deficit disorder
- attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- attention line
- attention span
- attention whore
- attention-getting
- attentive
- attentively
- attentiveness
- attenuant
- attenuate
- attenuated
- attenuation
- attenuator
- attercop
- attest
- attestation
- attested
- attested form
- attic
- attic salt
- atticism
- atticize
- attingent
- attire
- attirement
- attitude
- attitudinal
- attitudinarian
- attitudinize
- attn
- attn.
- atto-
- attolaser
- attophysics
- attorn
- attorney
- attorney general
- attorney general of the United States
- attorney-at-law
- attorney-in-fact
- attotesla
- attract
- attractancy
- attractant
- attraction
- attraction sphere
- attractive
- attractive nuisance
- attractiveness
- attractor
- attrib.
- attributable
- attribute
- attributes
- attribution
- attribution theory
- attributive
- attributively
- attrit
- attrite
- attrition
- attune
- attuned
- atty
- atty.
- atua
- atwain
- atweel
- atween
- atwitter
- atypical
- atˌtenuˈation
- au
- au contraire
- au courant
- au fait
- au fond
- au gratin
- au jus
- au lait
- au naturel
- au pair
- au poivre
- au revoir
- au vol
- aua
- aubade
- auberge
- aubergine
- aubrietia
- auburn
- auction
- auction block
- auction bridge
- auction pinochle
- auction pitch
- auctioneer
- auctorial
- aucuba
- aud.
- audacious
- audacity
- audial
- audible
- audience
- audience room
- audience share
- audile
- auding
- audio
- audio book
- audio conference
- audio description
- audio disc
- audio frequency
- audio response
- audio response unit
- audio-
- audio-lingual
- audio-lingual method
- audiocassette
- audiogenic
- audiogram
- audiologist
- audiology
- audiometer
- audiometry
- audion
- audiophile
- audiotape
- audiotypist
- audiovisual
- audiovisual aids
- audiphone
- audism
- audist
- audit
- audit trail
- audition
- auditionee
- auditioner
- auditive
- auditor
- auditorium
- auditory
- auditory aphasia
- auditory canal
- auditory nerve
- auditory phonetics
- auditory vesicle
- aue
- auf Wiedersehen
- aug.
- augen
- augend
- auger
- auger bit
- auger-eyed
- aught
- aughtlins
- augite
- augment
- augmentation
- augmentative
- augmented
- augmented cognition
- augmented reality
- augmented sixth
- augmented transition network
- augmenter
- augur
- augur well for
- augurer
- augury
- august
- auguste
- auk
- auklet
- auld
- auld lang syne
- aulic
- aulic council
- aulophyte
- aulos
- aumbry
- aumildar
- aune
- aunt
- auntie
- auntie man
- auntie-ji
- aunties
- aur-
- aura
- aural
- aurally
- auramine
- auranofin
- aurar
- aurea mediocritas
- aureate
- aureate language
- aurelia
- aurene glass
- aureole
- aureolin
- aureus
- auri-
- auric
- auricle
- auricula
- auricular
- auricularia
- auriculate
- auriculin
- auriculoventricular
- auriferous
- auriform
- aurify
- auriscope
- aurist
- aurochs
- aurora
- aurora australis
- aurora borealis
- auroral
- auroral zone
- aurorean
- aurous
- aurum
- auscultate
- auscultation
- ausform
- ausforming
- auslaut
- auspex
- auspicate
- auspice
- auspicial
- auspicious
- austemper
- austenite
- austenitic
- austenitic stainless steel
- austenitize
- austere
- austerity
- austr-
- austral
- australopithecine
- austringer
- austro-
- aut Caesar, aut nihil
- aut-
- autacoid
- autarch
- autarchy
- autarky
- autecious
- autecism
- autecology
- auteur
- auteur theory
- auth.
- authentic
- authentical
- authenticate
- authentication
- authenticator
- authenticity
- authigenic
- author
- author catalog
- author's alteration
- authoress
- authoring
- authoritarian
- authoritative
- authority
- authority control
- authority figure
- authority file
- authorization
- authorize
- authorized
- authorized capital
- authors
- authorship
- autie
- autism
- autism spectrum disorder
- autistic
- autistic-spectrum disorder
- auto