- assault and battery
- assault boat
- assault course
- assault jacket
- assault rifle
- assault weapon
- assaultive
- assay
- assay cup
- assay groove
- assay office
- assay ton
- assbackwards
- assegai
- assemblage
- assemblagist
- assemble
- assembled
- assembler
- assembly
- assembly district
- assembly language
- assembly line
- assembly plant
- assembly time
- assemblyman
- assemblyperson
- assemblywoman
- assemblé
- assent
- assentation
- assentient
- assentor
- assert
- assertation
- asserted
- assertion
- assertive
- assertiveness training
- assertoric
- assertory
- asses
- assess
- assessed value
- assessing
- assessment
- assessment arrangements
- assessor
- asset
- asset value
- asset-backed fund
- asset-stripping
- assets
- asseverate
- asseveration
- assez
- asshat
- asshole
- assibilate
- assiduity
- assiduous
- assiduously
- assign
- assignable
- assignat
- assignation
- assigned counsel
- assigned risk
- assigned sex
- assignee
- assignment
- assignor
- assimilable
- assimilate
- assimilation
- assimilationism
- assimilative
- assist
- assistance
- assistance animal
- assistance dog
- assistant
- assistant professor
- assistant referee
- assistantship
- assisted dying
- assisted living
- assisted reproduction
- assisted suicide
- assistive
- assistive technology
- assize
- assizes
- assn
- assn.
- assoc.
- associable
- associate
- associate professor
- associate's degree
- associated
- associated state
- associated statehood
- association
- association area
- association fiber
- association football
- association law
- associationism
- associative
- associative array
- associative cortex
- associative storage
- assoil
- assoluta
- assonance
- assort
- assortative mating
- assorted
- assortment
- asst
- asst.
- assuage
- assuaged
- assuasive
- assumable
- assume
- assumed
- assumed bond
- assuming
- assumpsit
- assumption
- assumptive
- assurance
- assure
- assured
- assured tenancy
- assuredly
- assurgent
- asswage
- asswaged
- assythment
- astable
- astarboard
- astasia
- astatic
- astatic galvanometer
- astatide
- astatine
- aster
- aster yellows
- asteraceous
- astereognosis
- asteriated
- asterisk
- asterism
- astern
- asternal
- asteroid
- asteroid belt
- asteroidean
- asthenia
- asthenic
- asthenopia
- asthenosphere
- asthma
- asthmatic
- astigmatic
- astigmatism
- astigmatizer
- astigmatoscope
- astigmatoscopy
- astigmometer
- astilbe
- astir
- astomatous
- astonied
- astonish
- astonished
- astonishing
- astonishment
- astound
- astounding
- astr-
- astr.
- astrachan
- astraddle
- astragal
- astragalus
- astrakhan
- astral
- astral body
- astral plane
- astral projection
- astraphobia
- astray
- astrict
- astride
- astringe
- astringent
- astringer
- astrionics
- astro-
- astroarchaeology
- astrobiology
- astrobleme
- astrobotany
- astrochemistry
- astrocompass
- astrocyte
- astrodome
- astrodynamics
- astrogate
- astrogeology
- astrograph
- astroid
- astrol.
- astrolabe
- astrology
- astromancy
- astrometeorology
- astrometric binary
- astrometry
- astron.
- astronaut
- astronautical
- astronautics
- astronavigation
- astronomer
- astronomical
- astronomical clock
- astronomical distance
- astronomical frame of reference
- astronomical telescope
- astronomical triangle
- astronomical twilight
- astronomical unit
- astronomical year
- astronomy
- astrophile
- astrophotography
- astrophotometry
- astrophysics
- astrosphere
- astrotourism
- astrotourist
- astroturfing
- astro–
- astute
- astuteness
- astylar
- asunder
- aswarm
- aswirl
- aswoon
- asylee
- asyllabic
- asylum
- asylum seeker
- asymmetric
- asymmetric bars
- asymmetric slow-wave sleep
- asymmetric time
- asymmetric warfare
- asymmetrical warfare
- asymmetry
- asymptomatic
- asymptote
- asymptotic
- asymptotic freedom
- asymptotically
- asynapsis
- asynchronism
- asynchronous
- asynchronous transmission
- asyndetic
- asyndeton
- asynergia
- asynergy
- asyntactic
- asystole
- asˈcetiˌcism
- asˈtronomer
- at
- at a discount
- at a loss
- at a low ebb
- at a premium
- at a sitting
- at a stretch
- at a time
- at a word
- at about
- at all
- at all costs
- at all times
- at any cost
- at any rate
- at arm's length
- at bat