

View synonyms for assessing


[ uh-ses-ing ]


  1. the act or process of estimating the value of property, income, etc., as a basis for taxation:

    Duties include the accurate listing and assessing of all properties, including legal ownership, mailing addresses, acreage, and assessed values.

  2. the act or process of determining and levying an amount to be paid or charged:

    The penalties available to the Commissioner of Human Rights include the assessing of civil fines up to $50,000.

  3. the act or process of estimating or judging the value, character, condition, progress, etc., of a person or thing:

    In the assessing of his own strengths and liabilities, he has probably discovered much about himself.


  1. estimating, evaluating, or judging:

    In evaluating learning outcomes in early childhood education, it’s important to acknowledge the perspective of the assessing adult.

  2. imposing a tax or other charge, or determining the amount of such a charge:

    If the amount remitted by any dealer is less than the amount of tax payable, the assessing authority shall serve the dealer with a notice of the outstanding balance.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of assessing1

First recorded in 1425–75; assess ( def ) + -ing 1( def ) for the noun senses; assess ( def ) + -ing 2( def ) for the adjective senses
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Example Sentences

Particularly in the case of responses emphasising bizarre thinking and exaggerated suspiciousness, attention should also be paid to assessing mood and self-destructive thinking, as these factors can remain hidden without further enquiry.

The team also hopes to automate the process of assessing nutritional content based on food photos, and is developing large language models capable of automatically asking follow-up questions to obtain more accurate information.

Kennedy said he would eliminate the FDA departments tasked with assessing the safety of food ingredients because they are not “doing their job.”

But in neighborhoods that were ravaged by the fire on Wednesday, the painful process of assessing the damage is just beginning.

But Sweeney — who has linked certain planes to celebrities by assessing the aircrafts’ paint jobs, aligning flight paths to public schedules and finding gaps in the FAA’s privacy measures — remains undeterred.





assessed valueassessment