- vapor tension
- vapor trail
- vaporescence
- vaporetto
- vaporific
- vaporimeter
- vaporing
- vaporish
- vaporization
- vaporize
- vaporizer
- vaporous
- vaporware
- vapory
- vapour
- vapour density
- vapour lock
- vapour pressure
- vapour trail
- vapourer moth
- vaquero
- var
- var.
- vara
- varactor
- varec
- vargueno
- vari
- vari-
- varia
- varia lectio
- variability
- variable
- variable annuity
- variable contrast paper
- variable cost
- variable life insurance
- variable region
- variable resistor
- variable star
- variable-density wind tunnel
- variable-geometry
- variable-pitch
- variable-rate
- variance
- variant
- variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- variate
- variation
- varicella
- varicella zoster virus
- varicellate
- varicelloid
- varices
- varico-
- varicocele
- varicocelectomy
- varicolored
- varicoloured
- varicose
- varicose veins
- varicosis
- varicosity
- varicotomy
- varied
- varied thrush
- variegate
- variegated
- variegation
- varier
- varies
- varietal
- variety
- variety is the spice of life
- variety meat
- variety store
- varifocal
- varifocals
- variform
- vario-
- variocoupler
- variola
- variolate
- variole
- variolite
- variolitic
- varioloid
- variolous
- variometer
- variorum
- various
- various and sundry
- variscite
- varisized
- varistor
- varitype
- varix
- varlet
- varletry
- varmint
- varna
- varnish
- varnish tree
- varnishing day
- varoom
- varroa
- varsity
- varus
- varve
- vary
- varying hare
- vas
- vas deferens
- vas efferens
- vas-
- vasa murrhina
- vasana
- vascular
- vascular bundle
- vascular cambium
- vascular plant
- vascular ray
- vascular tissue
- vascularization
- vascularize
- vascularized
- vasculitis
- vasculum
- vase
- vasectomy
- vasiform
- vaso-
- vasoactive
- vasoconstriction
- vasoconstrictive
- vasoconstrictor
- vasodepressor
- vasodilatation
- vasodilation
- vasodilator
- vasoinhibitor
- vasoligation
- vasoligature
- vasomotion
- vasomotor
- vasopressin
- vasopressor
- vasospasm
- vasostimulant
- vasotomy
- vasotonic
- vasovagal syncope
- vasovasostomy
- vassal
- vassalage
- vassalic
- vassalize
- vast
- vastitude
- vastity
- vastly
- vastness
- vastus
- vasty
- vat
- vat dye
- vatic
- vaticide
- vaticinal
- vaticinate
- vaticination
- vatman
- vatting
- vatu
- vauch
- vaudeville
- vaudevillian
- vault
- vault light
- vaulted
- vaulting
- vaulting horse
- vaulty
- vaunt
- vaunt-courier
- vaunted
- vauntful
- vaunting
- vaunty
- vav
- vavasor
- vavasory
- vaward
- vax
- vaxxer
- vaˈnillic
- vb
- vb.
- vc
- vd
- ve
- veal
- vealer
- vealy
- vection
- vector
- vector addition
- vector analysis
- vector boson
- vector field
- vector font
- vector function
- vector graphic
- vector graphics
- vector product
- vector space
- vector sum
- vectorcardiogram
- vectorcardiography
- vecture
- vecturist
- vedalia
- vedette
- vee
- veejay
- veena
- veep
- veer
- veery
- veg
- veg out
- vegan
- vegeburger
- vegetable
- vegetable butter
- vegetable cellar
- vegetable ivory
- vegetable kingdom
- vegetable marrow
- vegetable oil
- vegetable oyster
- vegetable pear
- vegetable sheep
- vegetable silk
- vegetable sponge
- vegetable tallow
- vegetable tanning
- vegetable wax
- vegetable wool
- vegetably
- vegetal
- vegetal pole
- vegetarian
- vegetarianism
- vegetate
- vegetation
- vegetative
- vegetative reproduction
- veggie
- veggieburger
- vegie
- vego
- vehemence
- vehement
- vehemently
- vehicle
- vehicular
- veil
- veiled
- veiling
- veilleuse
- veiltail goldfish
- vein
- veining
- veinlet
- veins
- veinstone
- veinule
- veiny
- vel.
- vela
- velamen
- velar
- velaric airstream
- velarium
- velarize
- velarized
- velate
- velation
- veld
- veldskoen
- veldt
- velella
- veleta
- velic
- veliger
- velitation
- velites
- velleity
- vellicate