- chloroplatinic
- chloroplatinic acid
- chloroprene
- chloroquine
- chlorosis
- chlorospinel
- chlorosulfonic acid
- chlorothalonil
- chlorothiazide
- chlorotrifluoroethylene
- chlorotrifluoromethane
- chlorous
- chlorous acid
- chlorpheniramine
- chlorphenol
- chlorpicrin
- chlorpromazine
- chlorpropamide
- chlorpyrifos
- chlortetracycline
- chlorthalidone
- chm.
- chmn.
- choanocyte
- choanoflagellate
- choc-ice
- choc.
- choccy
- chock
- chock-a-block
- chock-full
- chockablock
- chocker
- chockstone
- choco
- chocoholic
- chocolate
- chocolate milk
- chocolate soldier
- chocolate tree
- chocolate-box
- chocolatier
- choctaw
- chode
- chog
- choice
- choir
- choir loft
- choir school
- choirboy
- choirgirl
- choirmaster
- choke
- choke back
- choke chain
- choke coil
- choke collar
- choke off
- choke up
- choke-full
- chokeberry
- chokebore
- chokecherry
- choked
- chokedamp
- chokehold
- chokepoint
- choker
- choker-setter
- chokes
- chokey
- choking
- choko
- choky
- chol-
- chola
- cholagogue
- cholangiography
- cholate
- chole-
- cholecalciferol
- cholecyst
- cholecystectomy
- cholecystitis
- cholecystography
- cholecystokinin
- cholecystostomy
- cholecystotomy
- choledochostomy
- choledochotomy
- cholelith
- cholelithiasis
- cholent
- choler
- cholera
- cholera infantum
- choleric
- cholestasis
- cholesteremia
- cholesteric
- cholesterol
- cholesterolaemia
- cholesterolemia
- choli
- choliambus
- cholic acid
- choline
- cholinergic
- cholinesterase
- cholinolytic
- cholinomimetic
- cholla
- chollers
- cholo
- chololith
- chometz
- chommie
- chomophyte
- chomp
- chon
- chondr-
- chondral
- chondria
- chondrichthian
- chondrichthyan
- chondrify
- chondrin
- chondrio-
- chondriosome
- chondrite
- chondro-
- chondrocranium
- chondroid
- chondroitin sulfate
- chondroma
- chondromalacia
- chondroskeleton
- chondrule
- choo-choo
- choof off
- chook
- chook chaser
- chook raffle
- choom
- choon
- choora
- choose
- choose up
- choosy
- chop
- chop chop
- chop mark
- chop shop
- chop stroke
- chop suey
- chop-chop
- chopa
- chopblock
- chopfallen
- chophouse
- chopin
- chopine
- choplogic
- chopped
- chopped liver
- chopped steak
- chopper
- chopper tool
- chopping block
- choppy
- chops
- chopsteak
- chopstick
- chopsticks
- choragus
- choral
- choral speaking
- chorale
- chorale prelude
- chord
- chord chart
- chord of the sixth
- chord organ
- chord symbol
- chorda tendinea
- chordal
- chordamesoderm
- chordate
- chordates
- chordee
- chording
- chordophone
- chordotomy
- chordotonal
- chordwise
- chore
- chorea
- choregus
- choreiform
- choreman
- choreo-
- choreodrama
- choreograph
- choreographer
- choreography
- choreology
- choreutic
- choreutics
- chori-
- choriamb
- choriambus
- choric
- chorine
- chorio-
- chorioallantois
- choriocarcinoma
- chorioid
- chorioma
- chorion
- chorionic gonadotrophin
- chorionic gonadotropin
- chorionic villus
- chorionic villus sampling
- choripetalous
- choriso
- chorister
- chorizo
- chorogi
- chorography
- choroid
- choroid coat
- choroid plexus
- choroiditis
- chorology
- choropleth
- chorrie
- chorten
- chortle
- chorus
- chorus boy
- chorus frog
- chorus girl
- chorus pedal
- chorusmaster
- chose
- chosen
- chosen people
- chosisme
- chott
- chou
- choucroute
- chouette
- chough
- chouse
- choux pastry
- chow
- chow chow
- chow down
- chow mein
- chow-chow
- chowder
- chowderhead
- chowhound
- chowk
- chowtime
- choyote
- chrematistic
- chremzel
- chresard
- chrestomathy
- chrism
- chrismation
- chrismatory
- chrismon
- chrisom
- chrisom child
- christcross
- christcross-row
- christen
- christening
- christophene
- chrom-
- chroma
- chroma key
- chromaffin
- chromakey
- chromat-
- chromate
- chromatic
- chromatic aberration
- chromatic adaptation
- chromatic colour
- chromatic scale
- chromatic sign
- chromaticism
- chromaticity
- chromaticity coordinates
- chromaticity diagram
- chromaticness
- chromatics