choroid coat

  1. a pigmented, highly vascular membrane of the eye that is continuous with the iris and lies between the sclera and the retina, functioning to nourish the retina and absorb scattered light.

Origin of choroid coat

First recorded in 1735–45
  • Also called choroid, choroid membrane.

Words Nearby choroid coat Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use choroid coat in a sentence

  • The retina is dark purple in color, this color being caused by a layer of cells next to the choroid coat.

    A Civic Biology | George William Hunter
  • It is found directly behind the iris and is attached to the choroid coat by means of delicate ligaments.

    A Civic Biology | George William Hunter
  • Their external border is continuous with the internal layer of the choroid coat.

  • Take out both the lens and the iris and the choroid coat of the eye will reproduce both.

    Preventable Diseases | Woods Hutchinson
  • The pigmented layer of the choroid coat represents this blackened lining.

    A Practical Physiology | Albert F. Blaisdell