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cerebrum vs. cerebellum

cerebrum vs. cerebellum: What's the difference?

The cerebrum is the largest part of the brain and consists of two hemispheres. The cerebellum is the second largest part, located in back of and below the cerebrum and consisting of three lobes. The cerebrum processes complex sensory information and controls voluntary muscle activity. In humans, it is the center of thought, learning, memory, language, and emotion. The cerebellum coordinates voluntary movements, posture, and balance.

[ suh-ree-bruhm, ser-uh- ]
  1. the anterior and largest part of the brain, consisting of two halves or hemispheres and serving to control voluntary movements and coordinate mental actions.
  2. the forebrain and the midbrain.
[ ser-uh-bel-uhm ]
  1. a large portion of the brain, serving to coordinate voluntary movements, posture, and balance in humans, being in back of and below the cerebrum and consisting of two lateral lobes and a central lobe.