
[ rapt ]

  1. a simple past tense and past participle of wrap.

Words that may be confused with wrapt

Words Nearby wrapt

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use wrapt in a sentence

  • But he paid not the least heed to me, and yet I thought that he tried to put me off, as it were, by seeming wrapt in thoughts.

    A Prince of Cornwall | Charles W. Whistler
  • Body greenish herl of Peacock,—ribbed with gold tinsel,—wrapt with red silk,—red hackle over all.

    The Teesdale Angler | R Lakeland
  • After awhile they emerge from the waters, and, wrapt again in their long white veils, they vanish flickering among the trees.

    The Science of Fairy Tales | Edwin Sidney Hartland
  • Here was one wrapt in a strange cloud: why should she not pass through the cloud, and join her fellow-traveller within?

    There and Back | George MacDonald
  • So he stood, wrapt in his meditations and in his ecstasy, by the bridge over the Midland line from Lupton to Birmingham.

    The Secret Glory | Arthur Machen