

woo woo

or woo-woo

[ woo-woo ]


  1. any force, phenomenon, process, etc., that has no clear scientific explanation and is regarded by some as mystical or spiritual and by others as illusory or fraudulent:

    I’m hesitating about this alternative therapy, because so far it’s just woo woo and not really provable.

    Higher-frequency thoughts like gratitude or love raise your frequency and lift you up—if that’s not too much woo-woo for you.


  1. relating to a force, phenomenon, process, etc., that has no clear scientific explanation and is regarded by some as mystical or spiritual and by others as illusory or fraudulent:

    I know it sounds very woo woo, but as I wrote the song I felt the presence and inspiration of my late grandfather so powerfully it gave me the shivers.

    I did my best to refute the worst woo-woo pseudoscience in the blog, but it was difficult.


/ ˈwuːˌwuː /


  1. derogatory.
    based on or involving irrational superstition
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Word History and Origins

Origin of woo woo1

First recorded in 1970–75; of imitative origin
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Example Sentences

These were regular people, he said, not just “woo woo” L.A. hippies.

I’m going ‘Woo! Woo!’ and Phillip said, ‘Oh my gosh.”

From Slate

I've had them moments where I'm like, "Oh, it's so political, woo, woo, woo."

From Salon

This sounds super woo woo, but I swear it's the truth: I had my leg bent and rested up on the edge of the kitchen sink I was ashing into when all of a sudden I heard her in my mind saying, "When I was your age you were almost a teenager."

From Salon

Woo woo woooo was how he explained the noise to me, capturing with startling accuracy a collective surge of grief and menace.


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About This Word

What else does woo-woo mean?

Woo-woo is a slang term used to insult mystical or supernatural beliefs not backed up by science.

How is woo-woo pronounced?

[ woo-woo ]

Where does woo-woo come from?

Woo-woo is first recorded in the 1980s, used to mock beliefs associated with the likes of New Age culture.

The term may have originated as an imitation of the sound of the theremin in horror and sci-fi films and TV, or of the spooky noises associated with ghosts and the supernatural.

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Although woo-woo is usually considered derogatory, some alternative medicine practitioners, such as Deepak Chopra, have used the term themselves.

How is woo-woo used in real life?

As noted, some in the spiritualist or alternative medicine communities have taken up the label woo-woo, including U.K.-based spiritual teacher and podcaster Vix Maxwell (who goes by the moniker New Age Hipster). She, for instance, offers Woo Woo 101 courses for beginners at her Woo Woo School

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It's heeerrreeeee!! 🙌🏻🙏🏻🔮 . Doors are open for #totallyspiritual 🌟🔮📚 . If you are ready to go from a bit woo to really getting your spiritual shiz together, this 6 week online course is for yoooou! 🌟🙌🏻🌟 . Payment plans start at just £38! 🙀🙀🙀 . Full deets via link in ig bio or: . #spiritual #metaphysical #woowoo #onlinecourse #newagehipster 🌟

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Skeptics, however, typically use woo-woo to make fun of or dismiss (sometimes very harmful) pseudoscientific wellness beliefs and their practitioners. National Geographic Traveler even declared Sedona, Arizona to be the “Capital of Woo-Woo” in a 2010 magazine article.

More examples of woo-woo:

“I’ve seen two posts about being an empath on Facebook today. Everyone ready for a new, woo-woo buzz word?”
—@tomorrow_kelly, October 2018

“I don’t want to get too woo-woo about the whole thing, but there is kind of a spiritualism or mysticism with some kinds of fly fishing, especially when you progress through the beginning, intermediate and advanced stages”
—Tom Morgan quoted by Chet Layman, MTN News, October 2018


This content is not meant to be a formal definition of this term. Rather, it is an informal summary that seeks to provide supplemental information and context important to know or keep in mind about the term’s history, meaning, and usage.



