


[ hwen-uhv, wen-uhv ]

  1. contraction of when have: When've you talked to her?

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According to the outlet, Collins was 11 when VE was celebrated in 1945.

Her husband Charlie Harrison was away fighting, and when VE Day came she still had not told him about the twins.

From BBC

"Oh! desperately, as your vorship may natt'rully suppose, when ve'd only come together three days."

When VE Day came it was wonderful, the terrible fighting was going to end, but you also thought of friends in Japan who were prisoners of war where the fight was still going on.

From BBC

Isobel Gowdie confessed that 'he maid vs beliew that ther wes no God besyd him.—We get all this power from the Divell, and when ve seik it from him, ve call him "owr Lord".—At each tyme, quhan ve wold meitt with him, we behoowit to ryse and mak our curtesie; and we wold say, "Ye ar welcom, owr Lord," and "How doe ye, my Lord."



