

View synonyms for water fountain

water fountain


  1. a drinking fountain, water cooler, or other apparatus supplying drinking water.

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In some Baltimore public schools, water fountains are still banned due to high levels of lead in the pipes.

From Time

This fondness appears in her photos of a file cabinet and a water fountain.

In general, the more pieces the water fountain has, the more difficult it is to take apart and clean.

The best pet water fountains take some of the work out of your hands by providing cats and dogs with clean, fresh water.

A word of warning—sometimes pets refuse to use one type of water fountain for no other reason than they don’t like it, and you can’t always predict what a pet will like until they’ve tried it.

Later that day, a colleague took a drink from the newsroom water fountain.

In the photo, a group of men lounge by a water fountain, some in full suits, others in elegant striped bathrobes.

Dr. Hudson installed a black box at the water-fountain, and he explained to the men what it was for.

The geyser may be described either as a large intermittent hot-water fountain or as a small water-and-steam volcano.

She visited in turn a shoe store, a soda water fountain and a beauty shop.

We're to meet at the soda-water fountain in the Grand Central Station.

Once while near the water-fountain I painted in the donkey of a water-carrier.


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More About Water Fountain

What is a water fountain?

A water fountain is a device that ejects a fountainlike stream of water that can be drunk from without a cup.

Water fountains are often for public use—they provide access to drinking water in places like government buildings, schools, and parks.

There are many different designs for water fountains, but they all generally work by ejecting a jet of water that can be drunk from directly.

Water fountains are also commonly called drinking fountains. Less commonly, water fountain can sometimes be used to refer to a water cooler.

The term water fountain should not be confused with the kind of fountain that’s mainly for decoration, such as in city plazas, though of course such fountains also use water (but not for drinking).

Example: Why would I buy a bottle of water from the vending machine when I could just fill up my water bottle for free from the water fountain?

Where does water fountain come from?

The first records of the term water fountain in reference to a drinking fountain come from around the 1700s.

In the U.S., the terms water fountain and drinking fountain are both commonly used. In a few areas, though, including Wisconsin and parts of New England, people use the regional term bubbler to refer to a water fountain.

Did you know ... ?

What are some synonyms for water fountain?

What are some words that share a root or word element with water fountain


What are some words that often get used in discussing water fountain?

How is water fountain used in real life?

Water fountains are commonly found in public places, especially large office buildings, schools, and parks.



Try using water fountain!

Is water fountain used correctly in the following sentence? 

The kids love to go swimming in the water fountain.




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