


  1. a combining form representing uterus in compound words:


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Example Sentences

"Of course, subsequent environmental exposures are key, just as in utero environment is important. Fortunately, the brain is exceptionally adaptable, and we want to understand the cognitive, behavioral, and sex-dependent factors associated with both risk and resilience in order to intervene early and maintain intact memory function as we age."

Previous studies have found an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes and obesity later in life for infants exposed to GDM in utero.

The study followed 198 infants, half of whom were exposed to GDM in utero.

Animals previously exposed to THC in utero display a dramatically increased motivation to press a lever that would deliver a dose of opioid drugs compared to those that were not previously exposed to THC.

The current work -- using data from more than three million children from the United Kingdom and Sweden, including 17,495 who were exposed to antiseizure medications during pregnancy -- found that children exposed to the antiseizure drug lamotrigine in utero were at no additional risk for autism or intellectual disability compared with those exposed to other antiseizure medications.


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Words That Use Utero-

What does utero- mean?

Utero- is a combining form used like a prefix representing the word uterus, also known as the womb, where offspring are conceived and gestate in mammals. It is often used in medical terms, especially in anatomy.

Utero- comes from the Latin uterus, meaning “womb” and “matrix.” Matrix? Find out the connection at our entry for matrix.

Related to the Latin uterus is the Greek hystéra, source of the related combining form hystero-. The combining form metro- can also indicate uterus.

What are variants of utero-?

When combined with words or word elements that begin with a vowel, utero- becomes uter-, as in uteralgia.

Examples of utero-

One example of a medical term that features the combining form utero- is uterotomy, also known as hysterotomy, “the operation of cutting into the uterus,” as in a C-section.

As we have seen, utero- represents “uterus.” The second part of the word, -tomy, is a combining form meaning “cutting, incision.” Uterotomy literally translates to “uterus incision.”

What are some words that use the combining form utero-?

What are some other forms that utero- may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form -scope means “instrument for viewing.” With this in mind, what is uteroscope used to view?


