[ uhp-grohth ]
- the process of growing up; development:
the upgrowth of nuclear science.
- something that grows or has grown in an upward direction:
Part of the pituitary gland is an upgrowth of the roof of the mouth.
/ ˈʌpˌɡrəʊθ /
- the process of developing or growing upwards
- a result of evolution or growth
Example Sentences
His procedure was largely the cause of the upgrowth of a numerical mysticism, of which the traces may still be detected in our oneirocritical books and among some scientists, to whom marvels are more attractive than lucidity.
If, however, the clergy were to give heed to Mr. Ruskin's words, and at once proceed to the indiscriminate excommunication of usurers, would they not be initiating a social revolution, altogether176 different from that orderly upgrowth of a better state of things which has commended itself aforetime to Mr. Ruskin himself?
The mighty upgrowth of nations and the great achievements of history germinated in the nursery of home and at the mother’s breast.
Bloomingdale's was at Third Avenue and Fifty-ninth and Sixtieth Streets, but it was a gradual upgrowth, from a modest beginning upon that original important corner.
He would be wise, therefore, to determine at the outset what is the side of human activity which most appeals to him—the struggle for religious liberty and tolerance, the fight for the freedom of the Press, the upgrowth of the greatest literature in any modern tongue, the development of the parliamentary and representative system of government, the shaping of the material power of a great Imperial race.