threatened species
[ thret-nd spee-sheez, spee-seez ]
- a plant or animal species generally perceived as likely, in the near future, to become endangered within all or much of its range:
The drainage of this wetland promises to leave us with a number of threatened species.
- a plant or animal species that has been categorized by the IUCN Red List as vulnerable, endangered, or critically endangered:
In evaluating the conservation status of this threatened species, we must follow closely the population growth rate.
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Example Sentences
In the first Trump presidency, the administration weakened the Endangered Species Act by making it easier to remove a species from the endangered list and reducing protections for threatened species.
If you eat seafood, there is a chance you could be misled as a consumer and end up eating threatened species.
A statistical test found that ambiguous names were more important than mislabelling in hiding threatened species.
In the US, polar bears are classified as a threatened species; scientists say the biggest threat to their future is the continuing loss of sea ice habitat, which they depend on as a platform from which to pounce on their marine prey.
The tortoise is listed as a threatened species by the federal government, but California officials earlier this year escalated its status to endangered.