

More, Thomas

  1. An English statesman and scholar of the sixteenth century; the author of Utopia, and a saint of the Roman Catholic Church . More was beheaded because he refused to recognize Henry VIII as head of the Roman Catholic Church in England .

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More is admired today for having put his principles above personal ambition.
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Example Sentences

As Alexandr Solzhenitsyn once observed, Thomas More, 16th-century author of Utopia, invented the idea of the forced-labor camp.

So extraordinary were her miracles, and her predictions so striking, that even Sir Thomas More believed in her.

Sir Thomas More was enabled to judge from passing events of what was to happen in after years.

Sir Thomas More was united to a woman of the harshest temper and the most sordid manners.

Here Sir Thomas More worshipped in the days of his power, and here, in the chapel that he built, is his monument.

Thomas More translated his life and letters, and reckoned him a saint.



