[ sis-tahyl ]
- having an intercolumniation of two diameters.
Word History and Origins
Example Sentences
In the Systyle Kind, the Height is divided into Nine parts and an half, and one is given to the thickness.
Systyle, from σὺν con, and στὺλος columna; signifies building where the Pillars seem to be joyned together, for the Intercolumniation is but of two Diameters of the Pillars.
This Table contains the five sorts of Edifices: AA is the Pycnostyle; that is to say, where the Pillars are very close, the Intercolumniation being but of one Diameter, and a half of the Column: BB is the Systyle, viz. where the Pillars have two Diameters of Intercolumniation: CC is the Diastyle, viz. where the Pillars are at that distance, that they have for the Intercolumniation three Diameters: DD is the Areostyle, where the Pillars are far asunder.
Systyle temples, 78 f.; proportions of columns in, 84; Doric, 113.
The columns are then to be distributed over the stylobates in the manner above described: close together in the pycnostyle; in the systyle, diastyle, or eustyle, as they are described and arranged above.