sulphurous acid
- an unstable acid produced when sulphur dioxide dissolves in water: used as a preservative for food and a bleaching agent. Formula: H 2 SO 3 Systematic namesulphuric(IV) acid
Example Sentences
For some time every one in the laboratory was employed in making sulphurous acid, by heating copper in sulphuric acid in the usual way, and condensing the gas in tubes immersed in freezing mixtures; and the atmosphere of the room was of a sort which, however noxious to germs of different kinds, it was a little difficult to breathe.
After a word or two of298 inquiry as to how his young friend was prospering in his new post, Thomson said, "We are all very busy brewing liquid sulphurous acid, for use in sulphurous acid steam thermometers; we want a large quantity of the liquid; would you mind helping us?"
A salt of sulphurous acid in which the base replaces but half the hydrogen of the acid; an acid sulphite.
The destruction of the coloring matters attached to the bodies to be bleached is effected either by the action of the air and light, of chlorine, or of sulphurous acid.
The best practical antiseptic for sanitary purposes is cleanliness; the best disinfectants are heat, bichloride of mercury, sulphate of iron, chloride of zinc, sulphurous acid, chlorine, sunlight, and pure air, and, for yellow fever, cold.