stock solution
- a concentrated chemical solution, diluted before using.
Example Sentences
Being a student means learning to stop being afraid of asking questions, because adding the wrong amount or type of chemical to a stock solution will affect everyone’s experiments for the next month.
The stock solution will doubtless be for the hapless to retrain for better, more creative, more meaningful jobs, putting aside the dubious evidence for whether that actually works – retrain for what exactly?
For the experiments shown in , glucose, paraquat, NAC, DDS, rapamycin, ThT, trehalose or curcumin was added or not from a stock solution to the NGM to the indicated concentration just before the plates were poured.
Or to a pint of the stock solution, as it is called, you may add three pints of water.
Method of Making Stock Solution.—Experiments have been repeatedly made in the laboratory with acid solutions of varying dilution, from pure acid down to 1 part of acid in 500 parts of water.