

spit in the ocean


, Cards.
  1. a variety of poker in which four cards are dealt face down to each player and one card, forming the fifth for all hands, is dealt face up in the center of the table, the exposed card and others of its denomination being wild cards.

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Example Sentences

“When George and I got first married…he said to me, ‘Mellody, don’t spit in the ocean.

And while the pipeline would blessedly deliver 830,000 economy-boosting barrels a day to meet our undeniable energy needs, the actual climate effect would be scientifically verifiable spit in the ocean.

“Compared to the overall cost of health care,” said Scott Greenwell, the executive director of the blood bank, “this is spit in the ocean.”

Not that the $2-odd billion pipeline deal would have been more than spit in the ocean of Greece’s debt problem: the Greek government would only realize a fraction of the $2+ billion, many years from now.

From Forbes

Those particles were not missing, but would be diluted beyond detection, like spit in the ocean.




