

sodium bromide


, Chemistry.
  1. a white, crystalline, hygroscopic, water-soluble solid, NaBr, used chiefly in photography as a developer, and in medicine as a sedative.

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Henry Field13 recommends sodium bromide.

"Oh," he said, "yes, it contains sodium bromide, but not bromide of potash."

Almost needless to say, sodium bromide is at least as harmful as potassium bromide, and the advertisement is entirely for purposes of deception.

In addition to salt and gypsum there are other substances that have been accumulated in a similar manner, such, for example, as sodium sulphate, of which large beds occur in the desiccated lake basins of the arid region, sodium bromide, which is obtained from some of the ancient brines pumped from deep wells in Michigan.

To brominate wood pulp, Dr. Lewin simply adds sodium bromide, which is as stable as table salt, to the solution in a standard bleaching apparatus, then bubbles chlorine through it.





sodium boratesodium carbonate