[ skohps ]
- John Thomas, 1901–70, U.S. high school teacher whose teaching of the Darwinian theory of evolution became a cause célèbre Scopes Trial, or Monkey Trial in 1925.
Example Sentences
In the years since, Williams has consistently appeared in film and TV, accepting parts of all sizes and scopes.
He scopes out how players look in the batting cages, stepping in with a quick pep talk or look of reassurance when needed.
The owls would be dispatched using the cheapest and most efficient methods, from large-bore shotguns with night scopes to capture and euthanasia.
As the centennial of the Scopes Monkey Trial of 1925 approaches, a new study illustrates that the attitudes of Americans in Generation X toward evolution shifted as they aged.
Like John Scopes, the Tennessee teacher of evolution at the center of the so-called monkey trial nine decades earlier, Mr. Wise lost his legal battles — trying in his case, not to upgrade animals as our immediate antecedents on the human family tree but to recognize their personhood as cognitive, emotional and social beings who have the same moral and statutory entitlement to freedom that people do.