

Burns, Robert

  1. An eighteenth-century Scottish poet known for his poems in Scottish dialect, such as “To a Mouse,” “A Red, Red Rose,” and “ Auld Lang Syne .”

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Many lines from Burns's poetry have become proverbial: “The best-laid schemes of mice and men / Gang aft a-gley” (often go astray), “A man's a man for a' [all] that.”
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Example Sentences

Take this verse by famous Scottish poet Robert Burns in his famous Scottish poem “Auld Lang Syne.”

Robert Burns, who has sung of the haggis and the whisky of his native land, has only made indirect mention of porridge.

Among his numerous other charitable deeds, he supported the widow of Robert Burns and published the latter's poems.

If yu never hav red Robert Burns, yu will be suprised to larn that his style verry mutch resembles yures.

Mr Robert Burns rose along with his brothers, and was received with enthusiastic cheering.

Ay, for many a deep reason the Scottish people love their own Robert Burns.



