

View synonyms for restaurant


[ res-tuh-rahnt, -trahnt ]


  1. an establishment where meals are served to customers.


/ ˈrɛstrɒŋ; -rɒnt; ˈrɛstəˌrɒŋ /


  1. a commercial establishment where meals are prepared and served to customers
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Word History and Origins

Origin of restaurant1

An Americanism first recorded in 1820–30; from French, noun use of present participle of restaurer, from Latin restaurāre “to restore, reestablish”; re- ( def ), store
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Word History and Origins

Origin of restaurant1

C19: from French, from restaurer to restore
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Example Sentences

The awards might be off, but the volunteer committee that orchestrates the restaurant and chef awards has made known to the foundation’s chairman that their “faith in the Foundation has been shaken.”

From Eater

Which is just one more reason restaurants should be getting a bailout instead of having to risk people’s health to stay afloat.

From Eater

The pandemic has upended industry norms, pushing restaurants to add service charges and raise wages

From Eater

Spice companies like Penzeys and Spicewalla, as well as restaurants, have been selling more mixes than ever.

From Eater

Everyone knows restaurants are struggling—Tom Colicchio tweeted that with outdoor dining, his restaurants are doing just 20 percent of their usual business.

From Eater

The gunman then burst from the restaurant and fled down the street with the other man.

Any restaurant with a sustained fame ends up becoming a set, of sorts, and on that front, Sotto Sotto cinched it.

When I saw the fire in the restaurant, I ran down to the floor below, where I was trapped between flames above and below.

It's nothing for someone to walk up to me in the store or at a restaurant and ask for an autograph or speak to me.

I learned that he was working and living in the Lower East Side, delivering orders for an Italian restaurant and raising two kids.

I often recall the farewell lunch we had together at the Restaurant de Paris, in the Escolta.

There was much movement, life, laughter, carriages in the street driving from restaurant to theatre.

He remembers the good dinners at the little restaurant near his studio, where they dined among the old crowd.

Below it is the café and restaurant de la Rotonde, a very well-built looking place, with its rounding façade on the corner.

She will hunt for some small restaurant, sacred in its exclusiveness and known only to a dozen bon camarades of the Quarter.





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