razor wire
razor wire
- strong wire with pieces of sharp metal set across it at close intervals, used to make fences or barriers
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Example Sentences
In a remote corner of eastern Africa, behind tiers of razor wire and concrete blast walls, it’s possible to get a glimpse of America’s unending war on terrorism.
Instead, the troops carried out support missions, such as hanging coils of razor wire atop border fences and points of entry with Mexico in California, Arizona and Texas.
Armed with his M4 rifle, his first assignment was to provide security as other National Guard members erected a perimeter fence topped by razor wire at the Capitol.
The Capitol, meanwhile, has been ringed by fencing topped with coils of razor wire, and defended by thousands of National Guard troops in camouflage.
Ravenswood Generating Station is a three-block-long, approximately 27-acre rectangle hemmed in by a red-brick wall topped with razor wire.
We stood on the rooftop of a derelict farmhouse meters away from a Turkish tank and a razor wire fence marking the end of Turkey.
The base resembled a wagon circle of armored vehicles with some razor wire strung around them.
A few alleyways beyond I saw, once again, a wall of concrete barriers and razor wire demarcating the U.S. Embassy perimeter.
The courtroom itself is surrounded by high cyclone fences, braided with coiled razor wire, and watched by heavily armed guards.
Tent City is encircled by razor wire and consists of dozens of open-air tents crammed with double bunks.