razor wire
razor wire
- strong wire with pieces of sharp metal set across it at close intervals, used to make fences or barriers
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Example Sentences
Back at the wall, the smuggler placed a ladder on the Iranian side, and cut the razor wire at the top to create a path for migrants.
He carries a ladder, and a wire cutter to cut the razor wire at the top of the wall and make a path for migrants.
Initially the troops performed support work such as laying razor wire as a deterrent to crossing, but later the White House expanded their authority to allow them to use force and provide crowd control to protect border agents.
There are parts of the walk around Machado Lake that aren’t spectacular — including a fence sporting razor wire and the refinery in the distance — but the park thrives in spite of that.
Since that first ad, Trump and his running mate JD Vance have repeatedly labelled Ms Harris the “failed border czar”, and tied her to relentless images of people wading across the Rio Grande or squeezing under razor wire into the US.