

quilting bee


  1. a social gathering at which the participants make quilts.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of quilting bee1

An Americanism dating back to 1825–35
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Example Sentences

It reminds me of my mother, grandmother, aunts and friends who gathered in each other’s homes so many times for “quilting bees”!

“These sewing circles and knitting clubs and quilting bees were forums to talk about women’s rights, to propel the abolition of slavery, to create garments and blankets sold to provide income,” Rapaport said.

“This flag is not about college football games or quilting bees or fried chicken on Sunday,” he will finally say, by way of educating her.

“It’s a bunch of community members coming together in what we call a new-fashion quilting bee,” Ms. Cochran said.

In a sense, it’s a quilting bee writ large.



