abbreviation for
- pneumatic.
- pneumatics.
Words That Use pneum-
What does pneum- mean?
Pneum- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “lung” or “breath.” It is used in a few medical and scientific terms.
Pneum- comes from the Greek pneúmōn, meaning “lung.” Pneúmōn helps form the Greek word pneumonía, source of the English pneumonia, “inflammation of the lungs with congestion.”
Pneum- is a variant of pneumo-, which itself is a variant of both the combining forms pneumato-, meaning “air, breath, spirit,” and pneumono-, meaning “lung.” Learn more in our Words That Use articles for all these forms.
The Greek pneúmōn is also related to the combining form -pnea.
Want to know more? Read our Words That Use -pnea article.
Examples of pneum-
Instances of pneum- are rare, but one example of a word that features pneumon- is pneumectomy, also called a pneumonectomy, which is an “excision of part or all of a lung,” a surgical procedure.
We now know that pneum- means “lung.” The combining form -ectomy means “excision, removal.” So, a pneumectomy literally translates to “lung removal.”
What are some other forms that pneum- may be commonly confused with?
Note that pneum. is sometimes used as an abbreviation for pneumatic (as in a pneumatic drill) and pneumatics, “the branch of physics that deals with the mechanical properties of air and other gases.”
Break it down!
A pneumolith is a type of calculus, or stone or concretion, that can form in the body.
Keeping in mind the meaning of pneumo- and its variant pneum-, where in the body is a pneumolith found?