


  1. a combining form meaning “plant,” used in the formation of compound words:




  1. indicating a plant or vegetation


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Word History and Origins

Origin of phyto-1

< Greek phyt ( ón ) a plant + -o-

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Word History and Origins

Origin of phyto-1

from Greek phuton plant, from phuein to make grow


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Words That Use phyto-

What does phyto- mean?

Phyto- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “plant.” It is often used in scientific terms, especially in biology.

Phyto- comes from the Greek phytón, meaning “plant.”

The corresponding form of phyto- combined to the end of words is -phyte.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use -phyte article.

Examples of phyto-

One example of a scientific term that features the combining form phyto- is phytolith. A phytolith is “a microscopic silica body that forms in a living plant and becomes fossilized.”

The first part of the word, phyto-, means “plant.” The second half of the word, -lith, comes from the Greek líthos and means “stone.” Phytolith literally translates to “plant stone.”

What are some words that use the combining form phyto-?

What are some other forms that phyto- may be commonly confused with?

The combining form phyto- should not be confused with the proper noun Phyto, which, alluding to phyto-’s meaning of “plant,” has been used as a brand or product name for hair and skin care products made from botanical extracts.

Break it down!

The combining form -logy is used to name sciences or bodies of knowledge. What is phytology?



