

View synonyms for panacea



[ pan-uh-see-uh ]


  1. a remedy for all disease or ills.

    Synonyms: cure-all, nostrum, elixir

  2. an answer or solution for all problems or difficulties:

    His economic philosophy is a good one, but he tries to use it as a panacea.

    Synonyms: cure-all, nostrum, elixir



[ pan-uh-see-uh ]


  1. an ancient Greek goddess of healing.


/ ˌpænəˈsɪə /


  1. a remedy for all diseases or ills

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Derived Forms

  • ˌpanaˈcean, adjective

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Other Words From

  • pana·cean adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of panacea1

First recorded in 1540–50; from Latin, from Greek panákeia, equivalent to panake-, stem of panakḗs “all-healing” ( pan- “all” + akḗs “a cure”) + -ia noun suffix; pan-, -ia

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Word History and Origins

Origin of panacea1

C16: via Latin from Greek panakeia healing everything, from pan all + akēs remedy

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Example Sentences

CAP came out for airstrikes against ISIS inside Iraq in June, but warned they were not a panacea.

Relying on a phone call a week from your kids is hardly a panacea for loneliness.

The Common Core standards are not a panacea; much depends on the curricula that states and districts select to implement them.

In these parts of the world it was (and probably still is) the local panacea of choice.

But Levy does admit that his “fantasy” is no short-term panacea.

Ahimsa truly understood is in my humble opinion a panacea for all evils mundane and extra-mundane.

Take him in repose, and he looked a lank ascetic who dreamed of a happy land where flagellation was a joy and pain a panacea.

She saw a pained look flit over the countenance of the visitor, and administered the only panacea she possessed.

I shall next proceed to consider the Bill which the Government have introduced as a panacea for the woes of Ireland.

They contained about 60% alcohol, therefore it was a panacea for all ills that Harrison was afflicted with, and he had many.


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