

View synonyms for palate


[ pal-it ]


  1. Anatomy. the roof of the mouth, consisting of an anterior bony portion hard palate and a posterior muscular portion soft palate, orvelum that separate the oral cavity from the nasal cavity.
  2. the sense of taste:

    It was a dinner to delight the palate.

  3. intellectual or aesthetic taste; mental appreciation:

    She is said to have a discriminating palate for the arts.

verb (used with object)

  1. to find pleasing to the taste:

    My friend was very ill and could not palate much of anything.

  2. to find acceptable or agreeable to the mind or feelings:

    Your position is hard to palate, because I believe there is such a thing as objective morality.


/ ˈpælɪt /


  1. the roof of the mouth, separating the oral and nasal cavities See hard palate soft palate palatine
  2. the sense of taste

    she had no palate for the wine

  3. relish or enjoyment
  4. botany (in some two-lipped corollas) the projecting part of the lower lip that closes the opening of the corolla


/ pălĭt /

  1. The roof of the mouth in vertebrate animals, separating the mouth from the passages of the nose.
  2. ◆ The bony part of the palate is called the hard palate.
  3. ◆ A soft, flexible, rear portion of the palate, called the soft palate, is present in mammals only and serves to close off the mouth from the nose during swallowing.


  1. The roof of the mouth. The palate separates the mouth from the nasal cavity.

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It is sometimes said that a person has a “cultivated palate” if he or she has a discerning taste for food.

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Other Words From

  • pal·ate·less adjective
  • pal·ate·like adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of palate1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English palat, from Latin palātum “roof of the mouth”

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Word History and Origins

Origin of palate1

C14: from Latin palātum, perhaps of Etruscan origin

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Example Sentences

That means Japanese whiskies are beautifully balanced and elegant; they touch and develop on every sensor on the palate.

And your palate will change as you have new experiences and new selections in the wine world.

Oak, great balance and a good finish with stone fruits and just enough oak to round the wine to a silky smooth feel on the palate.

Sans country and opera, there is something for most every musical palate at Bonnaroo.

By 1987, however, the American palate was beginning to change.

The reading public was largely confined to young girls with the taste for romance fresh on the palate.

This one has a perforated palate, and this great copper-coloured patches on the forehead, all of them rickety.

The Right Spot, as related in the chapter on Ichthyol, is either the vault of the pharynx or the upper surface of the soft palate.

My cold and pain in my head increasing, and the palate of my mouth falling, I was in great pain all night.

So home, and late reading "The Siege of Rhodes" to my wife, and then to bed, my head being in great pain and my palate still down.


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