


[ pah-thee-fee-kaw, -see- ]


, Spanish.
, plural pa·ci·fi·cos [pah-, thee, -fee-kaws, -, see, -].
  1. a peaceful person.
  2. a native of Cuba or the Philippine Islands who did not resist the Spanish occupation.

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Example Sentences

Mr Marc Pacifico of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons said the lack of regulation meant the UK was “known as the wild west”.

From BBC

“That’s one of the biggest loopholes we have in the country,” Mr Pacifico believes.

From BBC

In San Jose del Pacifico in Oaxaca, Mexico, some locals say they now struggle to find specific mushroom species because there has been such a spike in psychedelic tourism, said Osiris Sinuhé González Romero, Ph.D., an archaeologist who studies psychedelics, the history of medicine and Indigenous knowledge at the University of Saskatchewan.

From Salon

Once we moved to Tijuana when I was 12, it was only a couple of years before I was in the clubs myself, dancing and drinking cubetas of Pacifico.

El día de hoy uno de nuestros buques rescató a Timothy Lyndsay Shaddock, de 54 años de edad, y a su perrita “Bella” en su catamarán en el Océano Pacífico, después de 3 meses en altamar a más de 1,200 millas de tierra.





Pacific NorthwestPacific Ocean