orbital sander
- a sander that uses a section of sandpaper clamped to a metal pad that moves at high speed in a very narrow orbit, driven by an electric motor.
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Example Sentences
Router: Those into fine carpentry and furniture making will probably use a router every day, but most people will only need them for rounding edges, and you can usually do that with an orbital sander.
“I was putting up drywall. Scarlett Johansson had brought over here orbital sander. Brad Pitt was on the roof, working with his shirt off.”
Using devices that vibrate — such as a random orbital sander that you’d use on a woodworking project — can cause your tracker to log hundreds of steps in just a few minutes.
Fernando carries out a framing nailer and an orbital sander and other tools with gears and handles and sharp edges.
Curtis Mann’s “Removal attempt, randomly orbital sanded” takes overexposed light-sensitive photo paper as its “canvas,” then uses physical intervention — with an orbital sander, here — to create a ghostly abstract pattern on the pitch-black paper.