/ ˈɒfˌskaʊərɪŋz /
plural noun
- scum; dregs
Example Sentences
Few things in Sydney gave such general satisfaction as this benevolent institution; few things at that period more tended to the amelioration of the conduct of those who, from being the offscourings of such a densely-peopled country as England, were of course so deeply depraved as to be very difficult to recover from their evil habits.
Political freedom we had won; but the problem of helpless poverty, grown vast with the added offscourings of the Old World, mocked us, unsolved.
They immediately built a theater, which cost them seven thousand dollars, and employed a company of actors, the offscourings of maratime city theaters.
In all probability, therefore, the ḫabati were wandering hordes differing from the Sutites in not having any special nationality, and being composed of the offscourings of many peoples of the ancient East.
Scum, skum, n. foam or froth: the extraneous matter rising to the surface of liquids, esp. when boiled or fermented: refuse: offscourings, dregs.—v.t. to take the scum from: to skim:—pr.p. scum′ming; pa.t. and pa.p. scummed.—n.