/ ˌneɪzəʊˈfrʌntəl /
- anatomy of or relating to the nasal and frontal bones
Example Sentences
Skull: Larger in every measurement taken except extension of premaxillae posterior to nasals, and length and width of rostrum which are less; skull more depressed in nasofrontal region; zygomatic arches more widely spreading; zygomatic processes of squamosals shorter; pterygoid hamulae longer; tympanic bullae smaller and less inflated ventrally.
Skull: Larger in every measurement taken; skull more massive; nasals flat, neither arched nor swollen distally; rostrum wider; nasofrontal region flattened or concave as opposed to convex; premaxillae relatively narrower; zygomatic arches heavier, especially in the processes of the maxillae; tympanic bullae smaller and less inflated ventrally; interpterygoid space generally more narrowly V-shaped; upper incisors longer and heavier; molariform teeth larger.
Skull: Depressed along median line of frontals and posterior ends of nasals; region of nasofrontal suture concave ventrally; zygomatic arches heavy and widely spreading, widest posteriorly; posterior ends of nasals straight, tending to be somewhat rounded in some specimens; extension of premaxillae posterior to nasals moderate; tympanic bullae moderately inflated ventrally; basioccipital wide; interpterygoid space widely V-shaped.