

Mauna Kea Observatory


  1. an astronomical observatory on Mauna Kea, Hawaii, situated at an altitude of 13,600 feet (4,145 meters).

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Example Sentences

A camera at the Mauna Kea Observatory in Hawaii has captured an object as it burned up on re-entering Earth's atmosphere on 8 February.

From BBC

Using the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope at the Big Island's Mauna Kea Observatory, the team were able to measure HD 45166's magnetic fields — leaning on still more archival data from the La Silla Observatory in Chile, and confirmation of findings from the Royal Military College of Canada.

From Salon

David Collier, who has been guiding trips on the island for a decade, clutched the wheel of a 13-person van last week on the road up to Mauna Kea observatory.

Using an infrared telescope at Hawaii's Mauna Kea Observatory, scientists discovered that the upper atmosphere above the Great Red Spot – the largest storm in the solar system - is hundreds of degrees hotter than anywhere else on the planet.

From Reuters

“It’s absolutely a danger to people,” says Professor Steven Businger, principal investigator at Mauna Kea Observatory Weather Service.

From Time





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