magnesium carbonate
- a white powder, MgCO 3 , insoluble in water and alcohol, soluble in acids, used in dentifrices and cosmetics, in medicine as an antacid, and as a refractory material.
Example Sentences
And last year the rover made it to the crater's margin in what used to be an enormous lake where it is exploring deposits of magnesium carbonate, which can form geologically or biologically from bacteria.
However, this ingenuity didn't really take shape until after Morton added magnesium carbonate to salt in order to ensure a free-flowing pour.
The newly made magnesium carbonate minerals acted like glue, solidifying the previously free-flowing tailings, much like sand turned to sandstone.
Calcitic lime is straight calcium carbonate; dolomitic lime also has magnesium carbonate mixed in.
“But it makes exceptionally high-quality sand. It’s all calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate, and Portland cement chemically bonds with it. We sell it mostly for landscaping and for architectural concrete.”