

View synonyms for legion


[ lee-juhn ]


  1. a division of the Roman army, usually comprising 3000 to 6000 soldiers.
  2. a military or semimilitary unit.
  3. the Legion.
  4. any large group of armed men.
  5. any great number of persons or things; multitude.

    Synonyms: sea, host, mass, throng


  1. very great in number:

    The holy man's faithful followers were legion.


/ ˈliːdʒən /


  1. a military unit of the ancient Roman army made up of infantry with supporting cavalry, numbering some three to six thousand men
  2. any large military force

    the French Foreign Legion

  3. usually capital an association of ex-servicemen

    the British Legion

  4. often plural any very large number, esp of people


  1. usually postpositive very large or numerous

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Word History and Origins

Origin of legion1

1175–1225; Middle English legi ( o ) un (< Old French ) < Latin legiōn- (stem of legiō ) picked body of soldiers, equivalent to leg ( ere ) to gather, choose, read + -iōn- -ion

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Word History and Origins

Origin of legion1

C13: from Old French, from Latin legio, from legere to choose

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Example Sentences

Oprah, when she came, found a legion of her fans on its doorstep.

We will see some surprising groups, maybe a legion of them, face the Six.

First, in his opening remarks yesterday, the pontiff towed a much more conservative line than his legion of new fans might expect.

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl reportedly tried to join the Legion before enlisting in the U.S. Army.

That will be a harder claim to make after today: its soccer team is a doughty legion.

He was, for this reason, at once elected lieutenant-colonel of the volunteer legion of the Pyrenees.

This weakened the defence of the land against the northern tribes, as the legion never returned.

She constantly wore on her breast the cross of chevalier of the Legion of Honor conferred on her husband by the Emperor.

Western gamblers are legion—a reckless, money-plunging, romantic and venturesome yet an admittedly square-shooting clan.

He was also made chevalier of nearly all the orders in Italy, and member of the Legion of Honour.



