

View synonyms for indistinct


[ in-di-stingkt ]


  1. not distinct; not clearly marked or defined:

    indistinct markings.

  2. not clearly distinguishable or perceptible, as to the eye, ear, or mind:

    He heard an indistinct muttering.

    Synonyms: dim, clouded

  3. not distinguishing clearly:

    After the accident he suffered from indistinct vision and faulty hearing.


/ ˌɪndɪˈstɪŋkt /


  1. incapable of being clearly distinguished, as by the eyes, ears, or mind; not distinct

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Derived Forms

  • ˌindisˈtinctly, adverb
  • ˌindisˈtinctness, noun

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Other Words From

  • indis·tinctly adverb
  • indis·tinctness noun

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Word History and Origins

Origin of indistinct1

From the Latin word indistinctus, dating back to 1520–30. See in- 3, distinct

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Example Sentences

But the images were too dim and indistinct to make out a face or a license plate number.

The Chinese images were notably indistinct and those released by the Australians this week are little better.

It is clear that they see countries as indistinct numbers, open to endless evaluation.

The music was indistinct at first, a faraway muffled sound with a repetitive bass line.

He saw all the son in its haggard lines; he heard all the son, in those few indistinct sounds.

It lay there clear and tranquil, and one could see the swaying of the indistinct green of its banks.

Indistinct specimens, apparently consisting of decomposed compact felspar.

Granular quartz-rock of several varieties: and indistinct specimens of a rock approaching to talc-slate.

Indistinct specimens of greenstone, with adhering quartz; apparently a primitive rock.



