indicator diagram
- a graphical or other representation of the cyclic variations of pressure and volume within the cylinder of a reciprocating engine obtained by using an indicator
Example Sentences
The method of the indicator diagram has since proved of great utility in physics in studying the properties of gases and vapours.
If the engine repeats the same cycle or series of operations continuously, the indicator diagram will be a closed curve, and the nett work done per cycle will be represented by the included area, whatever the form of the curve.
The amount of water evaporated in the boiler is not accounted for by an indicator diagram or card, and the full reasons for this are not known.
The curve thus inscribed, called the “indicator card,” or indicator diagram, exhibiting every minute change in the pressure of steam in the engine, not only enabled the mean pressure and the power of the engine to be determined by its measurement, but, to the eye of the expert engineer, it was a perfectly legible statement of the position of the valves of the engine, and revealed almost every defect in the action of the engine which could not readily be detected by external examination.
If the engine is to be non-condensing, the theoretical work, or indicator diagram, as it is called, will be bounded by the lines ABCHG.