

View synonyms for hysterical


[ hi-ster-i-kuhl ]


  1. uncontrollably emotional.
  2. irrational from fear, emotion, or an emotional shock.
  3. causing unrestrained laughter; very funny:

    Oh, that joke is hysterical!

    Synonyms: ludicrous, laughable, uproarious, hilarious

  4. Psychoanalysis, Psychiatry.
    1. of, relating to, or characterized by hysteria:

      hysterical psychosis.

    2. causing hysteria.
    3. experiencing or subject to hysteria:

      hysterical patients.


/ hɪˈstɛrɪkəl /


  1. of or suggesting hysteria

    hysterical cries

  2. suffering from hysteria
  3. informal.
    wildly funny

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Derived Forms

  • hysˈterically, adverb

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Other Words From

  • hys·ter·i·cal·ly adverb
  • o·ver·hys·ter·i·cal adjective
  • post·hys·ter·i·cal adjective
  • sem·i·hys·ter·i·cal adjective
  • un·hys·ter·i·cal adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of hysterical1

First recorded in 1605–15; from Latin hysteric(us) hysteric + -al 1

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Example Sentences

What follows is hysterical, painful, weird, and strangely touching—a true Festivus for the rest of us.

As a former arts teacher, she feels compelled to help the now-hysterical young boy.

Every night, I speak to the islands of the Caribbean in the language of hysterical storms.

They converted what should have been a long-overdue moral reckoning into a shallow and hysterical ratings bonanza.

But Robin Williams will, sadly, no longer be sending us into hysterical fits of laughter.

Madame Lebrun grew a trifle hysterical; Robert called his brother some sharp, hard names.

Impudent and reckless us he had been all his life, he was now more timid and nervous than an hysterical girl.

I know quantities of hysterical European women make fools of themselves out here, but I am not hysterical, I assure you.

She snatched them from him, and burst into a fit of hysterical crying, which ended in a faintness almost as of death.

His men sprang into the guard-room of the keep, realizing from his almost hysterical manner the urgent need for haste.



