Hubble constant
- the rate at which the expansion velocity of the universe depends on distance away. It is currently estimated to lie in the range 60–80 km s –1megaparsec –1 Also calledHubble parameter
Example Sentences
Unfortunately, since Requiem was not discovered until 2019, long after it had faded from view, it was not possible to gather sufficient data to measure the Hubble constant then.
That observation spawned the idea of the big bang—and decades of bickering over the rate at which the universe is expanding, the Hubble constant.
The number that describes the expansion goes by the name "the Hubble constant," appearing in multitude of different equations and models of the Universe and its constituents.
Freedman led a collaboration in the 1990s called the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project, which calculated the Hubble constant more precisely than anyone had before.
That has already been hinted at by the Hubble constant, a measure of how fast the universe seems to be expanding.