

View synonyms for hillbilly


[ hil-bil-ee ]


, plural hill·bil·lies.
  1. a term used to refer to a person from a backwoods or other remote area, especially from the mountains of the southern U.S. (sometimes used facetiously).


  1. of, like, or relating to hillbillies:

    hillbilly humor.


/ ˈhɪlˌbɪlɪ /


  1. derogatory.
    an unsophisticated person, esp from the mountainous areas in the southeastern US
  2. another name for country and western
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Sensitive Note

Hillbilly is often used with disparaging intent and perceived as insulting, implying that a person who lives far away from a town or city lacks culture or education. However, this term is also used in a humorous way without intent to offend, and it is sometimes a positive term of self-reference.
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hillbilly1

An Americanism dating back to 1895–1900; hill + Billy
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Word History and Origins

Origin of hillbilly1

C20: from hill + Billy (the nickname)
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Compare Meanings

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Example Sentences

A manservant can become an accounts man, a hillbilly a blue-blooded Manhattan prince.

In rural Appalachia, the drug is sometimes referred to as “hillbilly heroin.”

The takeaway from Buckwild could be the strong bond of youthful friendship—a hillbilly version of us against the world.

Blankenship likes to portray himself as a rogue local mine operator with tough-guy hillbilly antics.

The radio in the car was yangling with hillbilly songs, the only thing you can pick up in Ohio, but I didn't care.

Nobody had any money except the hillbilly and he went home for the three days and really lived it up.

Obviously a hillbilly, he carried a carbine as though it were a part of him.

Jeff, who knew that it's as easy to trade a hillbilly out of his hand as to separate him from his rifle, continued to work calmly.

He rolled his big white eyes at me: "What in the name of Uncle Hillbilly air you up to then?"


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