fuming sulphuric acid
- a mixture of pyrosulphuric acid, H 2 S 2 O 7 , and other condensed acids, made by dissolving sulphur trioxide in concentrated sulphuric acid Also calledoleumNordhausen acidˈnɔːdhaʊzən
Example Sentences
The first demand for fuming sulphuric acid on a large scale was created by the alizarin manufacture in 1873, when it was found that an acid of this strength gave better results in the preparation of sulpho-acids from anthraquinone.
Synthesis of alizarin by Graebe and Liebermann, leading to the utilization of anthracene, caustic soda, potassium chlorate and bichromate, and calling into existence the manufacture of fuming sulphuric acid.
These hydrocarbons contain only a slight proportion of thiophene and its isomers, which can be removed only by a treatment with fuming sulphuric acid, but this is only exceptionally done.
An excess of the trioxide may dissolve in the strong sulphuric acid, forming what is known as fuming sulphuric acid.
When heated with strong and fuming sulphuric acid it dissolves, forming a blue liquor from which the colouring matter may be obtained on addition of soda in the form of a paste, which is used in wool and silk dyeing under the name of indigo extract.