ex animo
[ eks ah-ni-moh; English eks an-uh-moh ]
- from the heart; sincerely.
Example Sentences
They do not all believe, ex animo, the distinctive dogmas of the orthodox creeds—that God is angry with the great body of mankind, that his wrath is a burning flame, and that there is, as to a majority of men, but a moment’s time and a point of space between them and eternal torture more terrible than imagination can conceive or language describe.
To this practice Horace alludes, in his Art of Poetry: Ut, qui conducti plorant in funere, dicunt, Et faciunt prope plura dolentibus ex animo— which Francis well translates: As hirelings, paid for the funereal tear, Outweep the sorrows of a friend sincere.
He hated ex animo all those aspects of Anglicanism which best recommend it to Erastian minds.
My mind bowed itself at once before the definition, and I believed the doctrine ex animo.
Interim Tibi Eminentissime et Reverendissime Domine copiosa divinorum charismatum incrementa ex animo precamur, et ad pergrata quaeque officia nos paratissimos exhibemus.