


[ eth-noh-his-tuh-ree ]


  1. a branch of anthropology dealing with the development of cultures, as through the analysis of archaeological findings.

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Other Words From

  • eth·no·his·to·ri·an [eth-noh-hi-, stawr, -ee-, uh, n, -, stohr, -], noun
  • eth·no·his·tor·i·cal [eth-noh-hi-, stawr, -i-k, uh, l, -, stor, -], ethno·his·toric adjective
  • ethno·his·tori·cal·ly adverb
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Word History and Origins

Origin of ethnohistory1

First recorded in 1950–55; ethno- + history
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Example Sentences

"Indigenous people were already caring for and managing forests and other kinds of tree foods," said Jacob Holland-Lulewicz at Pennsylvania State University, who studies archaeology and ethnohistory.

From Salon

“I’ve been fighting for this project for 40 years, and it has gone nowhere,” said Johnson, president of the Parting Ways Museum Corp. of African American & Cape Verdean American Ethnohistory Inc.

Such inquiry has often attempted to compare Plains societies of the horse period with those of the pre-horse era, revealed through archaeology and ethnohistory.

In this volume, we attempt to approach the problem through both ethnohistory and a type of controlled comparison.



