


[ en-weev ]

verb (used with object)

, en·wove or en·weaved, en·wo·ven or en·wove or en·weaved, en·weav·ing.

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Example Sentences

I did not seek her out; I did not strive to love her,” he continued, as if speaking to some one else; “but her love seemed to come to me, to enweave itself with my every thought.”

These to man Are countless loves revealing Love Supreme: These and the Virtues, warp and woof, enweave A single robe—that sacrificial garb Worn from the first by man, whose every act Of love in spirit was self-sacrifice, And prophesied the Sacrifice Eterne: Through these the world becomes one household vast; Through these each hut swells to a universe Traversed by stateliest energies wind-swift, And planet-crowned, beneath their Maker's eye.

While the Virtues thus enweave ��Mildly soft the thrilling song, Winter's long and lonesome eve ��Glides unfelt, unseen, along.



