


  1. variant of embryo- before a vowel.

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Example Sentences

Embry, an immature organism, especially in the earlier stages of development from the fertilized ovum onwards.

Embry-o, the little plant forming a part of the seed, usually consisting of caulicle, one or more cotyledons and a plumule.

Was Mrs. Embry Wright, his only married sister, staying with his mother to comfort her?

"However, as Mr. Embry is yonder, I think he'll take some care of you," she added.

"Miss Embry would say you shouldn't use 'awful,'" said Winnie from the depths of the big chair.


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Words That Use Embry-

What does embry- mean?

Embry- is a combining form used like a prefix representing the word embryo. It is used in some scientific terms, especially in anatomy and biology.

Embry- ultimately comes from the Greek émbryos, meaning “ingrowing.”

Embry- is a variant of embryo-, which loses its -o– when combined with words or word elements beginning with vowels.

Want to know more? Read our Words That Use embryo- article.

Examples of embry-

One example of a medical term that features embry- is embryectomy, meaning “removal of an embryo.”

The first part of the word, embry-, means “embryo,” as we have seen. The second part of the word, -ectomy, means “excision, removal.” Embryectomy literally translates to “embryo removal.”

What are some words that use or are related to the combining form embry-?

What are some other forms that embry- may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The suffix -oma is used to name tumors. In what type of tissue does a type of tumor known as an embryoma develop?



