

View synonyms for dissolute


[ dis-uh-loot ]


  1. indifferent to moral restraints; given to immoral or improper conduct; licentious; dissipated.

    Synonyms: abandoned, wanton, debauched, loose, corrupt


/ ˈdɪsəˌluːt /


  1. given to dissipation; debauched

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Derived Forms

  • ˈdissoˌlutely, adverb
  • ˈdissoˌluteness, noun

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Other Words From

  • disso·lutely adverb
  • disso·luteness noun
  • un·disso·lute adjective

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Word History and Origins

Origin of dissolute1

First recorded in 1350–1400; Middle English (from Anglo-French ), from Latin dissolūtus (past participle of dissolvere “to dissolve”); dis- 1, solute

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Word History and Origins

Origin of dissolute1

C14: from Latin dissolūtus loose, from dissolvere to dissolve

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Example Sentences

On his execution, state media accused Jang of leading a "dissolute, depraved life" and running up £6.4 million in gambling debts.

He was the more dissolute, the heavier drinker, and lesser writer, very much the junior partner in an ostentatious double act.

Even if they do not manage to take and hold power, they are examples of the dissolute lives that sons of dictators often lead.

He caused his mother sorrow, by a dissolute life and by forcible inroads on the maternal purse.

Another notices that had she been dissolute, she would have preferred the liberty of remaining a widow.

A true daughter of an artist, of a genial and dissolute artist, thoroughly in the romantic tradition, as was Sebastien Ruys.

How would the young and dissolute monarch look upon the claims of Rhode Island?

He had seized upon the government and gained over a vast number of the most dissolute and discontented spirits to his side.



