

View synonyms for decisively


[ dih-sahy-siv-lee ]


  1. in a way that settles a matter and puts an end to debate or speculation:

    The question, "Do habitable conditions for life exist elsewhere in the galaxy?" has been decisively answered in the affirmative.

  2. in a firm and resolute way, without wavering:

    The Executive Office must be able to move quickly and decisively to preserve endangered ecosystems, history, or prehistory on federal land.

  3. in a clear or definite way; indisputably:

    She has not only decisively beaten but ended the political career of every candidate who ran against her.

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Other Words From

  • non·de·ci·sive·ly adverb
  • pre·de·ci·sive·ly adverb
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Example Sentences

As frightening as life was in early March, when the first cases were reported in the US, I was comforted and at times even proud, watching state and local leaders take fast and decisive steps.

If you’ll recall, back when we knew that this was coming from Wuhan, this was coming from China, our president made the decisive move to stop travel.

From Ozy

In fact, I wish he would have done it sooner, but the media headlines were very different when he made those decisive actions to stop a lot of this from coming into the United States.

From Ozy

We aren’t going to have a decisive victory, and it’s going to lead to our country being torn apart even more.

From Ozy

Indeed, Minnesota is now one of the likeliest states to be the Electoral College tipping point — the state that delivers the next president his decisive 270th electoral vote.

A year ago, majorities across the country supported the initiative, but polls have swung decisively in the other direction since.

The respectable reformers, meanwhile, know how rare a chance 2016 is to decisively shape our national affairs.

First-time candidate and full-time economics professor Dave Brat decisively defeated the consummate pol by a 55 to 45 margin.

Conversely, the Bridgegate story now clearly and decisively is a real politically motivated scandal.

Not only was the rollout a disaster, but now, the public has turned decisively against the effort.

If I don't hear from you very decisively to the contrary, I shall come, and trust to your good nature to forgive it.

Ultimately he decisively defeated Cassivelaunus, the leader, either near London or his capital, Verulamium.

"Nor will I listen to anything which compels us to separate again," added the son decisively.

Philip having thus done all he could in the battle, but having been decisively beaten,Prudent conduct of Philip.

"I'll see about this without delay," said John Garwell, decisively.




