

View synonyms for conjurer


or con·ju·ror

[ kon-jer-er, kuhn- kuhn-joor-er ]


  1. a person who conjures spirits or practices magic; magician.
  2. a person who practices legerdemain; juggler.
  3. a person who solemnly charges or entreats.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of conjurer1

Middle English word dating back to 1300–1350; conjure, -er 1
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Example Sentences

His voice, like a conjurer’s incantation, stirs the embers of rage, mustering both a conviction and devotion that consumes both logic and restraint.

From Salon

If Link is puzzle-solving muscle, Zelda is conjurer, a solution-based thinker whose approach to monsters, dungeons and rifts that turn the world into fragments is equal parts patience, humor and, yes, action.

All four of them had been treated by a black man from a neighboring county who probably used African folk medicines and was also described as a “Negroe conjurer.”

In a 1952 interview with Dahl for Argosy Magazine, he spoke about being fascinated by magic after a performance by an Indian conjurer who went by the name of Professor Moor.

From BBC

Donald J. Trump is like the conjurer of a national apocalyptic seance.

From Salon



