compound magnet
- a magnet consisting of two or more separate magnets placed together with like poles pointing in the same direction.
Example Sentences
The further downward movement of the armature lever being prevented, the arc becomes longer as the carbons are consumed, and the compound magnet is weakened more and more until the clamping armature g releases the hold of the gripping-jaws e e upon the rod R, and the rod is allowed to drop a little, thus shortening the arc.
For this purpose he proportions the resistance of part p' and the number of the convolutions of the wire upon the main magnet so that when the carbons come in contact a sufficient amount of current is diverted through the carbons and the part x' to destroy or neutralize the magnetism of the compound magnet.
It will be seen that the armatures L and g are practically the keepers for the magnets M and N, and owing to this fact both magnets with either one of the armatures L and g may be considered as one horseshoe magnet, which we might term a "compound magnet."
Now, the magnetic induction from the magnet M is such as to produce opposite poles on the corresponding ends of the magnet N; but the current traversing the helices tends to produce similar poles on the corresponding ends of both magnets, and therefore as soon as the fine wire is traversed by sufficient current the magnetism of the whole compound magnet is diminished.
To prevent such an accident Mr. Tesla provides this lamp with an automatic cut-out which operates as follows: When, upon a failure of the feed, the arc reaches a certain predetermined length, such an amount of current is diverted through the fine wire that the polarity of the compound magnet is reversed.